Sunday, December 4, 2011

Our Gratitude Turkey

This year, we started a new Thanksgiving tradition. In November we put a turkey up on our pantry door and everyday (although we forgot a lot) we wrote on a feather one thing we were grateful for. Then on Thanksgiving, we were supposed to read through everything that was written. (That didn't happen yet...but the year is not over)
Here is what everyone wrote:
What Elisa said: DAD!
What Steen said: Captain Jack Sparrow Legos, Austin Simmons( his friend)
Andrea said: Fun friends to play with, a family, a peaceful home,
Michaela said: good food, creative and fun parents, Thanksgiving, talents, freedom
Alison said: music, Heavenly Father loves me, Steven, Michaela, Andrea, Steen and Elisa
Steven said: my loving wife, a good night sleep when I get one, Health
I can't wait to do it again next year!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Steen's first Cello Recital

Steen played Twinkles and all their Variations in his first solo recital! It was a very long song and we worked so hard so he could stay with his teacher on the accompaniment the whole time! He did so good with his technique and the first two variations were so wonderful. Unfortunately somewhere in the middle his hand got a little off and so the intonation went with I took the liberty of just uploading my favorite portion of the video. ;-) In the part I edited out the chords just sounded like minor 3rds instead of major...maybe a Halloween version! I'm sure in some far east country those chords sounded perfect! Ha Ha! We are so proud of Steen!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Eve

I love this time of year...hanging out, playing games, eating junk food AND being with family! Unfortuantely, we've had some stomach flu going thru the neighborhood and so we had to uninvite ourselves from Christmas dinner with my family and a week later uninvite ourselves from Christmas dinner with Steven's extended familiy. It was a bummer not to be able to see and play with cousins as much...but we made the most of it and had a very nice and quiet Christmas Eve!
Instead of having Roast Beef with my family, we had homemade chicken noodle soup, jello, and rolls! Food fit for a (Recovering stomach flu) champion!

The kids and I each got a new pair of p.j.s that they opened up on Christmas's TRADITION!

Steven didn't really want a new pair of pjs this year...but when the kids realized he didn't have a present to open they insisted he needed he wrapped up his old pjs and opened them...SURPRISE...I've never seen these PJs before!
We reinacted the nativity with puppets my friend gave us for Christmas!

It wasn't the Christmas Eve we planned on, but it was great to have our own traditions
and celebrate a quiet peaceful Christmas with our little family!