Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

For Thanksgiving, we were lucky enough to be invited to two turkey meals. Here is Uncle Sterling carving some turkey at meal #1. We had about 35 of Stevens aunts uncles and cousins there and had lots of fun visiting.

Steen folding his arms, patiently waiting to have prayer so we can eat!

Grandma Dixon...93 and still going!

Steven's cousin Kami...the girls ADORE her!

Melanie taught us a cool new game called's hilarious if you're playing with the right people...we were!

Kami, Ellianna, and Andrea ...2nd cousins...

For meal #2 we got together with my mom and siblings that live here in Utah.

My brother carving the turkey!

Cute Andrea...she wasn't really hungry for meal #2.

Hanging with the family!

My beautiful mom! many American eat turkey on Thanksgiving?90%
How many are lucky enough to eat it twice....not that many!


Rachel said...

Mmmmmm, it all looks good and like lots of fun.

The Curses game seems like a lot of fun too.

Cynthia said...

I realized in the pic of Michaela and her cousin Kami, Michaela would look really cute with shoulder length hair that curled under. It looks like that is how her hair is in that picture and it looks really cute!

Alison said...

Michaela often complains when I brush her hair. I always ask her if she wants to cut it short so it will be easier to brush (not that I want her to) but she always insists she likes it long. It would be interesting to see her with short hair...but for right now...she's all about long!