Steen woke up this morning and replied, "I'm all better!"

Yesterday he had surgery at Primary Children's to remove his nevus or as he calls it his "birth mark."

His "birthmark" has always really bothered him and so he was actually excited to have it removed. He started to get a little nervous after changing into his hospital pajamas and didn't want to wear them anymore. The nurse came and brought bubbles in for him to blow and suddenly he put his shirt back on and was ready to go. They drew an arrow on his face to show where they would excise the nevus...but it got a little smeared. (above picture) Steen did so good before and after.
Before surgery, they gave him some meds to sedate him so when they wheeled him away he wouldn't be anxious...the nurse had him so entertained as she wheeled him away by diverting his attention to all the paintings on the ceiling that I don't think he even noticed we were gone. In recovery he asked "where am I?" and "what room is this?" and "How did I get here?" but that was it. No crying! Way to go Steen!

Here is the after picture. He has stiches with a steri strip and he's good to go! The second steri strip is just holding the string from the stiches. It should heal up with just a fine line scar. We're SOOO glad it all went well. It gave me an appreciation for moms and dads who go through several surgeries and challenges with their kids...and what the kids have to go through! Thank goodness for amazing nurses and doctors!
Steen sounds really brave. Glad the surgery went well!!
Steen, you did really well! Do you remember riding in the wagon?
After it all heals up you should post a picture. Steen is a brave boy!
I found this post doing a google search for "nevi surgery". My daughter (4 months old) has a congenital nevi on her face and I would love to get in touch with you to find out more about your experiences with your son. You say he was bothered by the nevi which prompted the surgery. I'm concerned the same thing will happen with her. How can I get in touch with you to ask some questions?
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