Thursday, March 13, 2008

What a great helper!

Steen loves to help. I had to capture the moment as he started unloading the dishwasher all by himself! (I had left it open for the girls to unload.) Luckily, it just involved throwing plastic cups and bowls into a drawer, but he did it soooo well. What is even more amazing is that he did all this while standing on the wall...OK, so I was just too lazy to go back and edit them. ;-)
On a scary note, later on in the evening after the dishwasher had dirty dishes in it, he started trying to put those away too. Thanks for the help Steen, but no thanks!

1 comment:

Freddy and Mandy said...

Looks like we just crossed paths! I'm glad you got to enjoy CA. Hopefully we can actually see each other face to face someday!