Thursday, March 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

We enjoyed a nice dinner at Red Robin. With our birthday coupon for a free entree and the monster dessert on the house, we saved big and Steven (the frugal accountant) was able to enjoy his birthday dinner all the more. Notice Steen in the picture trying to dive into the cake before dad.

Luckily he got lots of milkshake and learned how to suck out of a straw.

The girls also had lots of fun and said this was the best dad birthday ever. I asked them if they liked it better than when mom made dinner at home and they said "yeah, because we got milkshakes!" I hope they are always this easy to please.


Cynthia said...

Michaela and Andrea look like they are getting bigger even in the three months that I saw them last.

The desserts look yummy!

Taylor said...

Happy Birthday! I always knew Steven and I were alike -- Brooke's reaction to the accountant comment was, "Sounds like you honey!" :)