The day was made extra special as we celebrated with family. Steven's parents flew in for the occassion and probably 25 of his aunts/uncles and cousins came. On my side, my mom and my brother and aunt and uncle were able to come. Thank you for those who came and showed support!
Congratulations Michaela! We are so proud of you. You look BEAUTIFUL! We wish that we could have been there!
I love the pictures of the girls in their white dresses. So pretty!
What a special day this was! I'm happy I could be part of it. I really loved the song the girls sang.
Thanks for letting us be a part of it. It was a very lovely day.
It's crazy you have a child old enough to be baptized! Life is happening so quickly. The picture of all the girls together in their dresses is SO cute! I love Michaela's dress! Your Christmas looks like it was wonderful. Hope you're doing/feeling well - you look great!
Congrats Michaela!! That is awesome. The picture of the girls in their white dresses with the snow behind them is beautiful.
We wish we could have been there too! What a special day!
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