Steven celebrated his 37th birthday yesterday. The whole weekend was planned out to the minute...not so much because of his birthday, but because his cousin was getting married and we were invited to the sealing, luncheon, reception etc. Friday afternoon as we were driving up to their wedding reception an hour away, Steen got sick and started throwing up and suddenly, the weekend plans quickly unraveled.
Congrats Greg and Mandi on their wedding!!! I took the girls to the reception Friday night. The kids had planned a slumber party at Grandma's after the reception. They were also going to spend the day with her Saturday while we were at wedding festivities. Luckily, the girls still spent the night with Grandma, but Steven spent Friday evening home with Steen throwing up. Saturday, Steven attended the wedding and luncheon by himself while I stayed with Steen, who luckily was starting to feel better. We had to cancel our babysitter for Saturday night and spent the evening home with the kids.
It did get better, but before it did...it got a little worse. I had made one of our family's favorite desserts for Steven called Aztec dessert. It is a yummy oreo cookie crust, mint chocolate chip ice cream and whip cream dessert. Steen was SOOOOO excited to sing Happy Birthday to daddy and have birthday cake, that he opened up the freezer to get it out himself and the glass 9 x 13 pan fell out and shattered into a million shards of glass! We did NOT get to eat any! ;-( I was VERY sad, but since little Steen was devastated, I had to put on a happy face that we could just make cupcakes instead and it would be O.K. Isn't that what life is about??? Roll with the punches, it will be OK!
Here is a pic of us singing Happy Birthday around the trash can with the aztec dessert inside.
But despite the turn of events, Michaela decided to turn it into a special night for Daddy. She made us a romantic dinner and then had the kids hurry and eat and go play downstairs while Steven and I got to eat mostly alone. ;-)

The sign reads..."Alison's and Steven's romantic dinner...by their kids."
Michaela made Beef Stroganoff, Rice, Asparagus and sliced strawberries and bananas. I had already browned beef so she just had to add stuff to it and follow a recipe to stir it while it cooked. She measured out and cooked the rice in the rice cooker and I showed her how to wash and cook the asparagus. She did an awesome job! And Steven got to enjoy as best as we could a quiet evening at home! ;-)
Later that night, Michaela dished up ice cream for all (she made me a strawberry milkshake...very heavy on the milk) and Steven an ice cream sundae. Then she and Andrea played their violins for daddy. Despite the crazy events...everything turned out pretty great!
Thanks Michaela and other helpers! Happy Birthday Steven!
Wow, Michaela did such an awesome job! And good job Alison & Steven on rolling with the punches. :) Happy Birthday, Steven!
That is so sweet of michaela. i guess next time you make aztec dessert you'll be making it in an aluminum pan :)
oh an happy birthday steven! can't believe he only has 3 more years til the big 40
You are a great wife and mother. We missed you at the wedding.
Ruth - Amen!!! Aluminum pan all the way!
This will actually be one of the more memorable birthdays--especially because you were able to put a smile on for Steen! I'm glad he was feeling better Saturday so he could celebrate the birthday-Happy birthday, Steven! How thoughtful of Michaela to prepare a special dinner for you!
Happy birthday Steven!
That is so sad about the aztec dessert:( That stuff is so good.
Good job Michaela making dinner. What a nice birthday present.
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