I'm starting to feel a little big...especially since everyone is starting to ask when the baby is going to be born and is SuRprIsEd that I still have fIvE mOrE wEeKs!!!!! I definitely have pOpPeD OuT! However, I was told by a 6 year old today (I won't mention any names) that her mom ( who happens to be the epitome of cute pregnant woman...but isn't due for 3 more months) is MuCh BiGgEr than I am! I told her NOT to tell her mom that! ;-) but secretly...it made me feel good.
For the benefit of my far away family that can't see how big I've really grown...here's the OtHeR less than flattering angle!
thanks for the second picture! Made me belive you actually look pregnant;)
Hope the next 5 weeks go by fast!
CUTE BELLY! Can't wait for the little baby to come!
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