Steven rode his bicycle in the MS 150 this last weekend. It was a hundred mile ride from Logan, UT up through Preston, ID and back. He finished in 5.5 hours and had a fun ride while participating in a good cause. He said he wasn't sore at all, despite not really being able to train much for the ride. For those who sponsored Steven, Thank you very much. He raised almost $500 for multiple sclerosis. If you wanted the opportunity to donate...don't worry, there is always next year. ;-)

I don't have a picture of Steven's ride instead, here is a picture of Steen dressing up in Steven's jersey. Yeah...he wants to be just like his dad.
Steen loves to push his 4 wheeler...the lawn mower that is. At least 30 times last week (and I am not exaggerating), Steen put on Steven's size 13 shoes and pushed the lawnmower out of the garage . A couple of times I had to fish it out of the street. I finally started placing the lawn mower (on a daily basis) in the middle of the lawn where it was too hard for him to push it out into the street.

Steen looks so grownup when he is in daddy's clothes!! Michaela is doing really well on her bike! Grandma:)
Okay, the lawn mower thing made me laugh my butt off.
Wow, Steen is getting so big. What happened to his poor nose?
Good job Michaela- and your hair is getting sooo long!
Let's just say his nose looks really great in that picture. He flung himself out of the stroller and skidded across the sidewalk. Two days later at church people were freaking out because it looked so bad. That picture must of been shortly after that...but by the following Sunday, you couldn't even see a thing! Kids heal soooo fast.
Woohoo Michaela! And my gosh, Steen just cracks me up. Such a boy!
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